Dress Code Reminder

At Birchview Dunes we believe that the way you dress is a reflection of respect for yourself and others, and we encourage students to be positive role models.   The standards of school dress are based on common sense and are intended to support the comfort, safety and modesty of all students.  There is a strong relationship between neat, clean and appropriate clothing and a positive learning environment.

Think of the 4C’s => Clean, Comfortable, Covering, and Considerate.

Please consider the following guidelines when deciding what is appropriate to wear to school:

  • Clothing should be non-distracting and non-disruptive to the learning environment. Revealing clothing is not considered acceptable.
  • Clothing (or other apparel) and jewelry with logos promoting or referring to alcohol, drugs, tobacco and profane or negative sayings are not permitted
  • T-shirts must cover the stomach and midriff area (no belly shirts)
  • Spaghetti strap tops are not acceptable at school. 
  • Low cut necklines are inappropriate for girls to wear at school
  • Sleeveless tops may be worn if they are close-fitting under the arms and the shoulder straps completely cover the student’s undergarments
  • Very short shorts should not be worn to school (including gym), field trips or school sporting events. 
  • Undergarments should not be visible above the waistline of pants

If students are uncertain whether an item of clothing adheres to our
dress code, they should not wear it to school. Remember
that clothing that may be appropriate to wear on a weekend may
not be appropriate in a school setting.

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