Daily Announcements

Friday December 12, 2014

  • Would all grade 5 and 6 science fair club members please meet in the library at 10:35 today. Grade 5s should bring a mess free snack appropriate for the library and their outdoor gear as they will be going outside for recess.
  •  Clothing Swap –Guess what Birchview? We are having a clothing swap! Starting from December 15th to December 16th at 3pm you can drop off clothing. The actual swap will be on Wednesday December 17th  8:30am – 5:30pm.Please feel free to bring in clothing from infant to adult Boots, Coats, Snow Pants, Hats, Mittens and Shoes are also great, but they have to be in good shape. Make sure you bring in the flyer that was sent home to give you permission to shop for FREE next Wednesday. That’s right, you can shop for FREE!

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