Daily Announcements

Monday January 13, 2014

  • Mr. Pinkerton is inviting any student in grade 1-8 who may be interested in cross country skiing after school on Thursdays, to come to his classroom, room 203, at the end of the primary hallway, at 10:35, following announcements for an information meeting. Students may ski 1 afternoon or every Thursday. You can join any time before March. We are hoping to have our first outing next Thursday. Again, Cross country ski club meeting at Mr. Pinkerton’s classroom following announcements.
  • A reminder to all Leadership team members that our next meeting is this week after school on Wed. Please make sure to arrange your transportation home before Wed.
  •  Hawaiian Day is this Friday.  Dress up like you were in Hawaii and show your spirit.
  • Attention Peter Pan Cast – There will be a practice today for “A” students.  Students in the “A” section only will meet at first break in the library. Remember to bring your lunch.  If you are in scene H, please meet in the library at 2nd nutrition break. Bring your lunch and your script.
  • Attention all junior girls from grades 4 to 6. If you’re interested in creating a team of 6 players to play weekly basketball games, during recess, at school then please come to see Mr. Osborn in the gym today at 10:35. Bring your lunches and a pencil to sign up. Again this is for Intramural basketball, played at school during recesses, for girls only in grades 4 to 6. See you after the announcements in the gym for sign up at 10:35.