Daily Announcements

Thursday June 26, 2014

  • Yesterday we had the traditional Staff vs Student softball game. For the first time since I can remember having this game, the students led in the 3rd inning by a score of 8-6.  But the teachers at Birchview are resilient and they dug their heels in and headed for victory with a final 20-9 score.  Thanks to all the staff that participated and supervised and to the students for displaying great sportsmanship.  Thanks also to the scorers Erika, Dominic and Jamie. Grade 7’s you better start thinking about your strategy for next year!
  • Could all Peace Promoters come to Ms. Winstone’s room for a brief but very important meeting today at 12:55. That’s Peace Promoters come to Ms. Winstone’s room today at 12:55. Thank you.

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