Santa Claus Parade

We are looking for parents with construction experience to help with our parade float this year.  Also, if you have any leftover exterior black or white paint, that you would like to donate, it would be greatly appreciated.  Please contact Darlene at 705-429-2981 for details.


Daily Announcements

Wednesday October 16, 2013                   

  • Today is Waste Free Wednesday. Thank you for helping the environment. Green Team come to Mr. Pinkerton’s room at 10:35.
  •  Today during second nutrition break The Fierce Fire Fighters will be playing volleyball against the Teletubies in the gym.  Bring your lunches and be prepared to play.
  •  There will be a very important Flag Football meeting @ 10:35 am to arrange rides to tomorrow’s event.  If you haven’t already, please bring your signed permission form.  Please come to room 133 right when the bell goes.